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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Photo Calendars

I created some photo calendars this year for Christmas gifts. I had decided that I would like to make a calendar with barn pictures so I spent a couple of days on my vacation travelling the highways and back roads of Ontario scouting out barns and other interesting buildings. Ontario barns are quite different than Alberta barns. They generally have stone foundations.
The garden calendar has a few closeups of flowers and garden ornaments like statues and water ponds. I really liked the shot of the door on the front of the calendar. That shot was a Parkwood Estate in Oshawa. This gave me the opportunity to use my Zutter Bind It All machine to install the o-wire binding at the top. I used MS Publisher for the layout. I'm happy with how they turned out.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Small Christmas Cards

Small square cards for co-workers. I used double-sided scrapbook paper. The snowflake punch is the glacier punch from MS. The punched shape is very delicate and needs to be handled very carefully while applying glue so it will make it to the paper intact. Color printed greetings punched with the STUP! window punch. I used envelopes left over from another project.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Card - Digital - Joy

I designed this card with a decorative font and a polished stone background image. I scanned a background I did up this summer. The word JOY is 3 separate letters layered onto a square of polished stone background which has been converted to sepia. It took a while to work out the print colors, card stock and the layout. It is printed in chocolate brown on natural parchment card stock.

My 3D Art - Christmas Vignette

This is different from my usual card art. We are having a contest at work for those who decorate their offices. This is the vignette I set up in front of my desk. I started with the "Merry Christmas" wood blocks which I have owned for many years. I got them when swapping with another crafter at the end of a slow sale. She did not want to bring them home and I liked them so we did some Christmas trading. The gifts are just empty boxes weighted with glass marbles that I wrapped with dark green gift wrap and added some pink gross grain ribbon bows. The large ball ornament, my sister made for me a while ago. The steel tree I bought at the Butterdome Craft Sale last year. I'll let you know if I win!