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Monday, May 18, 2015

Mosaic Monday - Birds of the Wetland

Here's the other birds I saw in the wetlands last week.  Some birds are very hard to photograph.  For the red wing black bird has been the hardest.  I guess I'm trying to get the red wing, a nice pose, my lens is at the max, etc. They sure sound nice.

After looking at the shots I realized I did not get a Canada Goose.  I heard them but they were not on the water.

Left: Blackcapped Chickadee Centre: Mallard Duck Right: Red Wing Black Bird
Centre: Redhead Duck male and female
Left: Wren   Centre: Chestnut backed Chickadee    Right: Red Wing Black Bird silhouette

Submitting this mosaic to Mosaic Monday at Lavender Cottage hosted by Judith. 


  1. The wetland visit looks like a nice place for the bird sightings. Pretty bird images and mosaic. Have a happy day and week ahead!

  2. I have red wings just behind me and they like to come into the garden to eat suet....they nest just off the meadow....they do sound nice!

  3. You're put together a nice series of birds of the wetlands Sylvia. I often hear loons flying down to our lake but have yet to see one in the air, or on the lake.
    Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday.


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