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Monday, May 11, 2015

Mosaic Monday - Spring Snow

We had snow this week.  Wet and heavy which broke branches on trees.  On my walk Thursday I hear wood chippers in several areas.  We had one break in our side yard and the chipper was there early Thursday.  The arborist indicates that the wound should heal and the tree likely will survive. 
The daffodils were weighed down.
The purple pasque flower seemed to be faring better.  I love the way I captured the fuzziness on the petals of this flower.
The pigeons seem well fed.  I liked the way I had touches of green in this shot including the bird. 
Submitting this to Mosaic Monday hosted by Judith at Lavender Cottage.


  1. Wow, more snow.. Sorry about the tree, I hope it will be OK. Your daffies are pretty. Lovely images and mosaic. Have a happy day!

  2. It's one thing to have a late snow in spring but when it's heavy and breaks branches that is very disappointing. Good news that your tree will bounce back. We lost a huge main limb on one of the trees in our small backyard - not from snow or ice but too many raccoons on one branch at once. :-)
    I have to admit the stark contrast of the pasque flower against the snow is stunning - I'm still waiting for mine to open.
    Thank you for linking to Mosaic Monday Sylvia, hope you're on to sunny days and blue skies now.

  3. Hi Sylvia!

    Nice to meet a fellow Canuck blogger! Love the image of the purple flower in your pretty mosaic. Hope it survives the snow!


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