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Monday, June 15, 2015

Mosaic Monday - Community Garden

These photos are from my walk through the Community Garden in my area.  It likely contains about 50 small plots. Everything is so dry but there were red strawberries, blooming chive, and a few green tomatoes.

Many of the plots are decorated with garden ornaments.  I chose this cat face.  It is metal with a solid face and wire body which mostly disappears with the busy background.  It is about 12-14 inches tall.

The blue flower is wonderful.  I'm not sure what plant it is but it could be flax.

The bee was quite still for longer than usual which is why I got a decent shot of it.  They are buzzing about very diligently collecting pollen.  The purple chive flowers seemed to the most popular as there was constant activity.  Fortunately, many plots in the garden has some so I could move from plot to plot to get a photo or two.

The garden has very spongy rubber paths which is interesting.  They have a small building for storage.  We did get some rain over the weekend so that should help the green.

Submitting it to the following challenges:
Mosaic Monday at Lavender Cottage hosted by Judith


  1. Hello, the garden kitty is cute and I love the blue flower. Great capture of the busy bee. Lovely mosaic! Enjoy your day and have a happy week ahead!

  2. I love to walk through gardens. Love the kitty and good to see a bee! Happy Monday!

  3. Lo ve the cat....we have had too much rain so the garden is blooming like crazy!

  4. The cat ornament is cute and that's quite a few plots in the community garden.
    Thank you for linking to Mosaic Monday Sylvia.

  5. A simple little walk brings out the simple things in life that bring us joy and happiness; what a gift to be able to share your joy. Thank you.


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