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Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Mosaic Monday - Blooms & Critters

I  includes pictures from my walks recently.  The gecko in the top left I found on a fence in a garden, the glitzy butterfly is in a flower bed, the pink lily is from my birthday bouquet, the poppy is from the community garden and the heron garden ornament is from a garden. The background is the rain drops we got on Sunday!!!

Submitting to Mosaic Monday hosted by Judith at Lavender Cottage.


  1. I'm drawn to anything with bling so I love your sparkly butterfly garden accessory!

  2. A belated happy birthday Sylvia. The poppy is a pretty colour and other interesting finds from your walk.
    Thank you for linking to Mosaic Monday.

  3. What a beautiful and different mosaic. I love how you "collect" these small and precious beauties on your walks.... I love to do that too

  4. Neat sighting of the gecko. I love the beautiful flowers, the poppy is lovely. Great captures from you walk. Have a happy day!


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