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Saturday, July 25, 2015

Wisdom for Couples Calendar

My nephew is getting married this summer and we had a bridal shower for his fiance a few weeks ago.  This is the gift I made for them.  I scoured the internet for advise for newly weds.  I selected 12 that I made into this calendar for their first year of marriage.  She is a very down to earth girl who does not stuff too frilly so I selected a barn board photo I took a while ago for the background.  I love the open red hearts I found on CLKER. 
I started the calendar in August which is the month they are getting married in.  I placed these nuggets of wisdom in a black 4x6 metal frame which set off the couple on the front nicely.  I hope that this will be a reminder of the important things while they work through their first year.  I'm sure there will be more good than tough but there will be some tough undoubtedly. 

I wish them a long and happy and healthy life together.

I know most young people manage their calendars with their cell phones rather than a paper calendar but I hope this one finds a place in their home where they can see it regularly.

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