Class Information

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Gift Calendar - Multipurpose

This is the calendar I put together for the wedding couple.

It's a set of metal hooks with chalkboard at the top in a metal box.  I thought this could be used in a variety of ways.

The hooks could be pulled out and used as a count down calendar for 12 or 24 days before Christmas, 7 days to birthdays, 6 weeks before vacations or  9 months before a baby arrives.

It could be hung on the twine provided being sure to knot each one seperately or they could be hung on nails in a group or installed on a nice piece of wood then permanent attached to the wall.

It could serve as a place to leave notes for each other, hold family photos, hold mementos, or other reminders of grace and gratitude.

The chalk can be used to write anything they want on the small chalkboards above the hooks.

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