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Monday, December 14, 2015

Monday Mosaic - Busy Weekend

I had a very busy weekend so I have included a few photos from it's activities.  It snowed.  I have put up my Christmas decorations which includes my small ceramic tree which my aunt Irene made for me many years ago.  I choose to put only white lights. The telephone table was cleared to make room for the nativity.  I attended our Women's Ministries Christmas Brunch Saturday morning where the decor included turquoise ornaments.  I took an hour to take some pictures at the Conservatory.  I almost missed the nativity scene because it was so similar in color to it's surroundings.  I found a small blue bowl which matched my new dishes. It contains nuts, which points to my purchase of my supplies for caramel popcorn for the season.  I have many batches to make.  Also, it contains some Lindor Chocolates from lunch on Sunday where a friend and I had lunch for her birthday.  I managed to get back home in time to attend the 3rd Annual Community Carol Sing at the Lutheran church in the neighborhood.  I enjoyed it thoroughly!  We had good singing then hot cider and baking afterwards.  I met some new people from Brazil and Argentina.

Sharing at Mosaic Monday hosted by Judith at Lavender Cottage.

1 comment:

  1. Your mosaic shows so many wonderful things you have been doing...we need snow here...a snow drought for now! Merry Christmas!


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