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Saturday, January 16, 2016

Friday Hunt V1.3

C is for Coffee Spoons - I've been looking for some small silver plate spoons to use while I serve tea.  These can be used to stir tea in a tea cup, serve jam or jelly, or to add sugar to the tea. When I went through my Mom's collection I kept my baby spoons and one from on a trip my Mom and I took many years ago.  I had hoped to find several in a similar simple pattern and a recent trip to the thrift store delivered. 
The left one is made by 1847 Rogers Bros, the pattern is First Love, and it's a coffee/demi tasse spoon which is smaller than the tea spoon. The pattern was manufactured from 1937 to 1973 which makes the spoon at least 43 years old.  I got 11 of them so that will be enough for my needs. 
The centre one is by Oneida Community silver plate, pattern is Affection and the pattern was produced starting in 1960.
The right one is made by Viners of Sheffield - England, pattern is VS34, and not sure when it was made. 

My favorite is a glass tile I bought a thrift store.  I loved the image of doors and a tile floor. It's glass on ceramic I think.  There's no tag or any documentation so I'm at a loss.  It's shiny and really pretty.

Inside: It is very cold outside and I have been feeling under the weather. This is the corner on my sofa where I spent some time this weekend. With meds I should be feeling better soon.

Joining Friday Hunt V1.3 hosted by Teresa at Eden Hills


  1. I like your coffee spoons, Sylvia. I didn't know there were such things though I have seen smaller spoons used for after dinner. What is speciall about having 'eleven' of them.
    I've never seen a tile anything like your find. What do you do with it?
    Finally, I hope you are feeling better soon. I imagine it is quite cold there right now. We are cold too, in the 40's, 50's and 60's. But you are 2300 miles further nort of us here by the Texas Gulg Coast.

    1. Jim, Thanks for stopping by. Nothing special about eleven other than that is the number in the bag and it gives me enough to do whatever I need and they will all be the same.
      The tile has a velveteen backer with a small hanger and I hang it on the wall.
      Enjoy your day!

  2. Thank you so much for joining Friday's Hunt. I'm sorry to hear you aren't feeling better. Hopefully the cozy couch and meds help. Those are wonderful finds! That glass tile is really neat. Glad you could find enough of one spoon pattern for your entertaining needs. I think one would work for me! LOL

  3. Hope you are feeling better Sylvia, no better place to be than tucked up on the sofa. Those are lovely little spoons you found in the thrift store.

  4. Nice hunting! This was my first week to participate, thanks for coming over to visit. I have a couple of coffee spoons myself and love them. They are so nice when you have a delicate cup.

  5. The glass tile is pretty and I hope you feel better soon.

  6. I do hope you are feeling better. Perhaps some tea served with a pretty spoon? ;)


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