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Thursday, April 28, 2016

Share Your Cup - Pretty Things

Isn't life time replacement guarantee pretty rare these days. Well Tupperware still has one!
I had to get some replacement pieces as some of my Tupperware containers had cracked and broken.  Several pieces could not be replaced so I got credit.  What to buy?  After a browse through the catalog I saw several pieces in Salt Water Taffy which reminded me very much of my blue dishes.  I still have my original yellow set of measuring cups from several decades ago but I thought why not a new set in this gorgeous color! I got the snack set in the same color. They will fit into my tablescaping very nicely. Done!

I got 10 clear napkin rings in with some crystal glass pieces I will show you in later post.  I thought they may have been glass but alas no!
Oh well you win some you lose some.  They are very pretty and go with any decor.  I guess you do need to have cloth napkins to really make them work. 

I have been on the hunt for some Masala Chai Tea.  I have visited most tea shoppes in my area.  With a walk to The Tea Girl I picked up some Masala & Himalayan Chai.  The price was reasonable so I will have a try with these two in hopes of being able to buy some locally.  My favorite I have to buy from central Alberta which is not always convenient and quite pricey but it is the best so far.  They refill the tins when you bring them back and offer a discount.

I purchased this long black velvet skirt at the Rummage Sale last weekend.  I have been looking for a piece to help me in my photography.  It absorbs the light so really helps with reflections.  The skirt 37" long and opened up the piece of fabric is 70 inches wide.  That will do really well for my purpose. 

A blue tea bag holder in a leaf shape with a round matching saucer.  It has silver gilding along the outside edge.  Several holes in the centre to allow the tea to drain.  Goes well with my navy mugs. Love it!!

Sharing at Share Your Cup hosted my Carol at Art & Sand.


  1. I had been wondering if Tupperware still had that replacement guarantee. Most of my Tupperware is 30 to 40 years old, I would guess and some of it has become broken or cracked, as you mentioned. Did you contact a Tupperware dealer or did you find this a task that could be done online?

    Love the little teabag holder too. I have never seen one like that.

    1. Mrs. T, I had to find at Tupperware dealer as the pieces being replaced have to be returned. Sylvia D.

  2. You found some nice treasures, Sylvia. I'm interested in how you will like the chai teas, as I'm a fan of chai teas, also. It's too bad that your favorite one can't be bought locally. I ordered some from adagio teas online, but it's not spicy enough for me.
    Thank you for your visit to my blog!

    1. Kitty, I love chai tea. I started with Roobios Chai from Tea Desire years ago. I love the spicy not too sweet ones. I have bought one locally that has the same ingredients but does not have quite the same taste. Sylvia D.

  3. You found some great treasures! I still have my yellow Tupperware set of measuring cups from the 80's! The stuff just doesn't wear out. Love your little tea matches my kitchen perfectly!

    1. Ann Marie, They make really good stuff. I had some in my hope chest when I left home and I bought a lot of mine in my twenties. Modular mates organized all my cupboards. Sylvia

  4. You certainly had some wonderful shopping success! :)

  5. Gosh, I only have one piece of my Tupperware left. Totally forgot about the lifetime guarantee. Good for you! Love the new colors. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  6. What great finds - I haven't heard the word Tupperware in probably 25 years!

    Thanks for sharing with SYC.


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