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Friday, August 12, 2016

Share Your Cup #210

These are a couple of books I finished recently.

I really enjoyed Robin's book.  She comes across as a regular girl as she describes her early years.  She clearly expresses the decisions she made along the way to change how the her own family would be compared to the one she grew up in.

Karen's books was filled with hope, despair, and much of the emotions in between.  I had a hard time to put it down.

This is the sun shining on my bedroom closet doors.  It's only there for a few minutes.  I noticed it the other day and made a point of taking a photo of it this morning.
Mom had surgery this week at the age of 82.  She takes good care of herself so I am pleased to say that she came through very well.  I will with her on the weekend to support her during her recovery.  We are fortunate to be several girls and each has taken part in the process to help Mom as needed.  Picture of the building.  In the morning, a wonderful marble sculpture in the foyer and the rainbow in the sky when we departed at the end of the day.  I took the rainbow as a good sign as to Mom's future.

Sharing with Share Your Cup #210 hosted by Carol at Art & Sand.


  1. Hi Sylvia,
    I read Robin McGraw's book as well, loved it......
    I notice we have a few things in common already.....the book, and I make cards as well,
    and you enjoy seeing the sunshine in and reflect off of things....I get a kick out of that as well.........
    Happy to hear your Mom came thru surgery well, and has daughters who love and take
    care of her.........lovely.......will say a prayer she recovers very quickly.

    Blessings, and thanks for visiting me,

    1. Nellie, Thanks so much for your visit. Sylvia D.

  2. Both books sound good. The sun shining made for a very interesting photo. Glad your moms surgery was successful! Thanks for sharing with SYC.


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