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Friday, August 19, 2016

Share Your Cup #211

This is one of the books I read recently.  A couple who are separated in their teens but make a pact to meet in 11 years.  He has always tried to find her but she made choice she was not proud of so, took steps to make it hard to find her.  It was a very good book from this great author and it was hard to put down.

I added some letters to my Alphabet Photography collection.  A wonderful S and an I.

 Some colorful flowers and nature shots I took during my walks this week.

My latest offering in photo calendars.  It meant many trips to get the shots I wanted and then vetting them to get the 12 best ones.

I've been working on digital watermarks for my photos as well.  I have started participating in Flickr challenges and see some nice ones on the site.  I thought I could design one for myself from my own art.  I'm not sure it's the final ones because it's a bit on the big side.  It is my first effort and I will have to sit with them for a while then decide if any changes will be made.

You can check out my Flickr page.

Sharing with Carol at Art & Sand for Share Your Cup.

1 comment:

  1. The plot of the novel sounds intriguing. I think I'll check into it.

    Thanks for sharing with SYC.


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