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Thursday, September 8, 2016

Share Your Cup #214

I took these shots at a small museum. I do not have any idea how old they are.  I am assuming they are good costume jewelry but again not an area I have much expertise.  I just thought the pieces were very pretty.

The first one I believe is moss agate and a quick search suggested to me it may the oldest piece. The silver and rhinestone on the right may be mid century and the blue silver one strikes me as 1950-60s.

The hollyhocks were wonderful on the grounds of the museum.  There were several colors and I have included a red one and a pink one.  The dandelion has good color against the dark background. The dandelion gone to seed is always makes for a good photo.

I was looking for a white placemat when I found this large lace doily which was rectangular in shape.  I think it would well for the few occasions I will need one.  Here is my snack today.  I did search out a few nice good quality spoons for my photography.  I have a couple of small drinking glasses in cobalt blue which works well with the blue french plates.  A cup of chamomile tea in the evening is what is on order to tonight.  All set against a heavy yellow tablecloth.

Sharing with Carol at Art and Sand for Share Your Cup 214.


  1. Sylvia, beautiful old jewelry...lovely flowers...and a sweet doily! Happy weekend! Pam @ Everyday Living

  2. Those vintage jewelry pieces are right down my alley.I love to use pieces like that on my creative art projects that I think up. I'm not a professional just a piddler at home person LOL

  3. Our daughter loves old costume jewelry -- started way back when she was a teenager and saw both her grandmothers' collections (she now has all of my mother's -- I handed these pieces directly down to her, avoiding the middle woman,me ;>). I love your flowers -- they are more up my alley -- and of course also the snack and beautiful table setting. We live a casual lifestyle but I am always looking for good washable thing I can't do without.

  4. Beautiful flowers!

    Thanks for sharing with SYC.


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