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Thursday, January 5, 2017

Share Your Cup - This Week

I've been at the sewing machine a bit more this week. I've made 2 more Scrap Sacks for the sister who got the pot protectors and my niece who did not want to move the bag from the paper crafting area to the sewing area.

I'm working through the stack of fabric and I have bought a few pieces of solids in order to create coordinated pieces for sale in the spring.

I am working on a car litter bag as well.  More about in a later post.

I have been going through my book on Photo Elements and doing some of the suggested exercises.

This is an exercise of laying a texture image over a photo.  The texture image was very subtle but by using the color option in the layers menu with a percent between 65-80 percent I was able to create vintage looking images from very vibrant and colorful photos of flowers.

The image was too subtle for the look I was trying to achieve so back to the camera to take more shots.

This is a book I read over the holidays.  It's a true story about a man who decided to write 365 thank you cards - one for each day of the year.  It did take him over a year to do it because at times life got in the way.

It changed how he looked at things.  When you start looking for an opportunity to be grateful many good, happy, wonderful things come to you.  I'm sure they were there all along but looking for them brought them into focus.

He looked up teachers from high school in order to write a note about how he was encouraged by them when he was younger.

He was doing the exercise in 2007 and I would say that greeting cards have fallen quite out of use in the last decade.  The idea is still there.  Exercise gratitude and express it in whatever form works in this day.

Check out my Blog Give Away in my Featured Post.

Sharing with bloggers at Share Your Cup #230 hosted by Jann at Daily Cup with Mrs. Olson.


  1. You have been one busy gal! I wish I found more time to play with photos. Love how your flowers look!! Thanks for sharing with SYC.


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