Class Information

Thursday, March 23, 2017

One Thousdand Gifts - Session 4 - Trust - The Bridge to Joy

This is week four in this bible study - One Thousand Gifts - A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are by Ann Voskamp.  I look forward to a time of slowing down, being intentional, checking my attitude and increasing my gratefulness. The video is very well done with wonderful images. There was good attendance.

Session 4 -Trust - The Bridge to Joy

This week, Ann mentions several fears that made it difficult for her to trust God in her life.  As she practiced Eucharisteo - giving Thanks she found that Joy came and Trust grew.

Fear keeps our lives small. Fear tells us the lie that God's goodness is finite, it will come to an end, that there will not be enough, our needs will not be met. Trust is hard work.

If we reach for life with open hands does our life become bigger, richer, more joy filled?  God has given the best and knows our needs so what would He withhold?

We build trust through millions of faithful moments where God was there to support, provide and encourage.

This week Ann describes a moment on her drive to somewhere. She had the epiphany when she drove over a bridge and realized that she had trusted the bridge builder to get her across safely.

Thanksgiving builds Trust.

We need to trust God who is our Bridge Builder to get us through and over the troubled waters in our lives.

'When we can't see His hand, we can always see His heart'.

1 comment:

  1. Sylvia, this is just perfect...beautifully done!...:)JP


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