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Friday, March 10, 2017

Share Your Cup - Favorites

I made some more Mini Crustless Quiche Muffins this week. 

I added ham this week which enhanced their flavor.  It is such a flexible recipe so you can use what veggies and meat you have on hand.  The recipe I did get from the host from our fellowship group includes some egg whites as well as whole eggs.  This would contribute to a stiffer quiche. 

I baked them in my silicone liners which helps with clean up but does not give them nice golden edges.  I may try them in greased metal cups next time. 

These are becoming a regular choice at my place.

I was looking for glass lemons to create a center piece for my table when I came across these at a thrift store.  The price was right so them came home with me.  The peach on the left top is not the same as the others so that will be going back.

There is only one lemon. The hunt is still on!

It gives me enough variety to create vignettes of different ones as I see fit.  A good mix of each type and a good color range as well.

This was breakfast this morning. 

A cup of Masala Chai tea with honey and cream.  My favorite tea.

A couple of the Mini Crustless Quiche Muffins, a bit of homemade KimChi, carrot sticks and a tomato. Served on a bright yellow plate to help me feel springy when it snows again outside.

A book to browse.  Half Yard Heaven which includes several project using small pieces of fabric. 

I bought myself a yellow umbrella! 
It is a promotional item with a logo on one panel but the color is great. 

Ever since I read book titled "The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up" by Marie Kondo which I wrote about here.  I often ask myself "Does this make me happy?" when I look at things in my life.  The yellow one will make me happy and the dull purple patterned one can head to the thrift store in hopes it makes someone else`s day.  There are all kinds of folks in the world so likely it will.

There is a tote bag pattern in here that I want to try.
The outside patterned fabric is laid out in 2 different directions. The liner fabric is a contrasting solid color. The handles are sewn in between the liner and outside fabric where the liner creates the top border of the bag.  It features nice box corners.

There is a project apron as well that may be a great item.  It features several pockets to hold tools as you work.

Books are a constant favorite and I am enjoying more of them with a bit more time.

Sharing in the link party with Jann at Daily Cup with Mrs. Olson who hosts Share Your Cup #239.

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