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Thursday, April 20, 2017

Share Your Cup - This Week

Today, it was time for Welcome to my Kitchen.  This is our monthly women fellowship group.  We are growing!  Last year at this time we had 9 around this table. This week, we had 12 women attend with one of our regulars under the weather and not able to attend.  The table was overflowing!!

Our host this month provided fruit salad, juice, fresh tea biscuits right from the oven.  There was a cheese plate and I filled my mug with hot tea.

Everyone is sharing, making plans, praying and getting to know one another on a different level.  It's a challenge to keep everyone on track at times because it's loud and joyful.

We always have so much fun.  A couple of the ladies brought baking and we collected a few extra dollars money for our overseas missions work.

I met my sister half way between our houses today because our Easter plans were derailed by a large spring storm.  After having tea, trading our bags of stuff going in each direction we checked out a couple thrift stores. 

I found another plate in blue and white.  It has the same fluted edge as the Myott/Johnson Brothers ones I have but surprise it was made in Japan.  I was surprised to see the mark.

It will fit in just nicely with the pieces I have and at under a $1 and could not leave it there.

This is the book on my reading shelf this week.  It's is so interesting how our attitude affects how we see the world.

I am working through the preparation to make some changes in my place which is a huge stretch for me. 

I bought cabinets for the kitchen and tools which I have never owned before. Been spending time at hardware stores and Re-Store retail outlets.  Hours of  research on line for flooring, shelf brackets, and soon paint.

Many people have been very supportive. I been hearing "It will be alright"
"We survived and are thrilled with the results and so will you"
"I know a guy who paints, builds, does electrical, etc."

I found this wonderful bottle at the thrift store as well.  Note the name: Doulton.  I did not know they sold perfume. 

The bottle is heavy and very nicely cut to provide the clear and frosted pattern. 

The lid looks like metal until you touch it then you know it's plastic. Very good imitation. 

It will add some class to a photo down the line.  This is my second perfume bottle.  Super happy with this one.

I was working on a photo shoot the other day and I had roses in the vase but it occurred to me that with spring I should have tulips.

A visit to the craft store this week allowed me to bring home 2 picks for the price of one. I bought this bring traditional set and a lighter in pastel colors as well.  Should cover most situation.s

A small Battenburg doily under a crackled glass vase with a few marble in the base.  Taken against a black velvet background.

Works for me!

Sharing with Jann at Daily Cup with Mrs. Olson - Share Your Cup #245.


  1. I love the idea of your fellowship monthly group, Sylvia. I'm sure it is a blessing to all of you. Your book title is calling to me, and sounds like it would be something that I would enjoy. Also, I'm loving all your blue and white dish collection that you're finding. Isn't it fun to add new things? I scrolled down your other posts and saw so many lovely things. Happy weekend to you!

    1. Kitty, Thanks for visiting. We have a great time. Sylvia D.

  2. Your fellowship around the table time sounds wonderful! There's nothing better than a group of women who share their hearts. :)

  3. Wonderful finds Sylvia....the yellow flowers in your vase are definitely perfect for the Season. I like the way you and your sister celebrated the Holiday belatedly. Kitchen remodeling is definitely a scary proposition, but worth it! Your friends are right, it Will be alright.

  4. You must be doing something right, if the group is growing. :) That is wonderful! Hot biscuits from the oven, oh my how delicious! The bottle is so sweet and love, love Tulips! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  5. I'm surprised that the blue and white plate was made in Japan too! Home improvement projects are not for the faint of heart, but I'm sure that the end result will be worth it. Good luck!


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