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Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Cards to Gallery - Photo Cards

This is a Tree Swallow photo which I took when I visited the Ellis Bird Farm this summer.  They were all over the place and overall cooperated with those of us with cameras.

As you can see he had his eye on me but I got a great photo.

I am happier with my photos coming back from the developer since I had a conversation with the tech in the print room.

It means I have to maintain 2 sets of photos; one in the 4x6 and another in the 3.5x5 inches.  For these photo cards I have printed 3.5 and trimmed a bit off the length.

The photos are adhered to great heavy card stock which produces a great end product.

I caught this wonderful yellow tulip at the Legislative Grounds.

This is a Greater Scaup which is medium sized diving duck.  This is a male with the great shiny head and striking yellow eye.

This was taken on my trip the Elk Island Park this summer.

Would be a great card for a guy into the outdoors.

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