Class Information

Thursday, October 5, 2017

One Thousand Gifts - Session 5 - Empty to Fill

I am leading this bible study tonight - One Thousand Gifts Bible Study - A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are by Ann Voskamp.
Seven of us met tonight to share and learn.
I look forward to a time of slowing down, being intentional, checking my attitude and increasing my gratitude.

Session 5 - Empty to Fill

Ann relates an experience where she is asked to return to a place where her panic attacks occurred years ago.  Has she grown enough to go to this place open handed to give what she has learned through Eucharisteo?  She agrees to accompany the youth group to the downtown mission for a night of servicing others in need.  There she meets a man who is at the mission.  He has had a tough life but he recites Paul's lament of doing what he does not want to and cannot do what he wants.  A short while later, he asks "Did I get it right?"  He wants to be a blessing.

We are given gifts not to hoard them and keep them to ourselves but to share them, pass them on, and keep the flow of grace moving.

Let us use the opportunities available to us to share with others, to encourage others, and to stretch ourselves to give freely of the gifts we have received.

I gave each participant one of these photos to place on the fridge, bathroom mirror or some place else they will see regularly.

A little thank you and reminder of the bible study

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