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Monday, November 13, 2017

Small Calendar - Quick & Handy

I ran out of coasters for my Coaster Calendars so I had to invent one to keep a calendar in my product line with a smaller price point.  With so many photos from this year, that is where I went as a starting point.  I found a calendar at 2018 printable calendars.

I selected my best 5 sayings from my coaster calendars and included them in the Fridge Calendar.  I selected photos which worked with the sayings.  The combo was printed on 4x6 photo paper which was layered onto coordinating card stock.  A magnet is then added to the back.  This allows it to be used on any metal surface - fridge, file cabinet, and/or toolbox.  A push pin will hold it onto a cork or bulletin board.

I selected the following sayings.
Sisters are Forever
Life is too short to be anything but happy
Everyday is a second chance
Give Thanks Always
Count your Blessings

Put it where you can see it for a quick reference.  It is easily mailed so it is a great gift for those far away.  Include it in your Christmas card.

The Sisters calendar is a cosmos from the Legislature, the Happy one is a bright polished stone background, the Everyday is a sunset at Pigeon Lke to remind one that the light will return tomorrow, the Thanks is our river valley in fall, and Blessings is a flower bed at Legislature.  You can find them for sale on my Calendar page.

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