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Monday, January 29, 2018

Cobalt Glass Photo Shoot

I have been thinking about my Blue and White calendar for 2019 which will feature my Blue Nordic dishes, decor items I have collected and the Cobalt Blue glass I have gathered in the last couple of years.  I was trying to figure out what to use for a background when I discovered some inspiration on my Flickr feed - Blue Dimples taken by Susanne.

I had this sheet of textured acrylic that would do the job.  Now I had to figure out how to help it stand vertically.  I have several wood blocks with perpendicular slots in them that I figured would do the job.  I have 6 of them and with a 2 tall supports behind at both ends it stood.  The sheet is 48 inches wide so plenty of space in the center to set up my display without them interfering with my photo.

I am super pleased to have solved that problem so now I can move forward with my actual 12 layouts.

Sharing with Mosaic Monday #70 hosted by Maggie at Normandy Life.
Through My Lens #130 hosted by Mersad


  1. Stunning! There's something so special about this cobalt blue color and you have it perfectly displayed with that background! Nicely done!

  2. You came up with a great solution to your photography challenge.

  3. The acrylic background sets the blue glass off perfectly as it adds depth and texture, lovely mosaic too!

  4. Your collection is lovely. It will be a beautiful calendar!

  5. Stunning photo indeed!! Awesome backdrop for those beautiful bottles!

  6. Wonderful glass photos! Love the blue color!

  7. Sylvia - it is astonishing how much the background adds to the objects! So much more eye-catching. Well done!

  8. The glass is beautiful and I studied the images for quite a while ... trying to learn (or pick up some of your photography talent by osmosis),


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