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Monday, February 5, 2018

Winter Games

The most famous Winter Games start this week in South Korea.  I expect there will be many throughout the world watching the games on some sort of electronic device.  There will be some actually attending the events bundled up in winter clothes at some level.
Best wishes to all the athletes participating in the games.  May all be fair, honorable and safe.

The Alberta Winter Games are being held closer to home and start next week.  For a few days athletes will compete in the northern part of the province.

From what I could see there are about 22 sports being held in outdoor and indoor venues. Some are Alpine Skiing, Badminton, Curling, Hockey and Judo.

All the best to all athletes participating in these games.

Now for something a little more familiar.  These are the ones that live at my house.  Scrabble is my favorite. 

What are your winter games?  Leave me a comment.

I'm not much for card games but my Dad has played many games in his life. He made the board that you see here.  It is well built and spins nicely so each player can easily mark his progress.  I keep the board because my Dad made it. In an earlier life I played this game weekly. Interesting how interests change.

I had to search for a deck of cards and found this set in my craft supplies.  I bought them for the art on them and not to actually play cards.  I did check and all the cards are there.

This is a very interesting deck of cards.  The information card indicates Gothic Playing Cards - each back depicting the great kings of France based on paintings from the french schools of the XIV, XV, and XVI centuries.

I have included 1 each of the 1, kings, queen and jokers in the top row, the jokers are in the left middle, the outside of the box on the middle right, the bottom left is the info card and the side of the box.

I am intrigued and will spend some time looking at the images on the cards.

I am sharing with Mosaic Monday #71 hosted by Maggie at Normandy Life.


  1. In my parents' family, we play Euchre every chance we get. It is an easy game to play while still having conversations.

    In the family I have with my husband, we tend to play board games such as Monopoly, Sequence, Scattergories and Scrabble. I never met a board game that I didn't like!

  2. What a super looking pack of cards, love the art work.
    It's been years since we played any sort of board game, I think the last one was probably Trivial Pursuit.
    Have a great week, see you next Monday.

  3. Winter is definitely game season. I like Scrabble, but my husband doesn't. I've been known to set up the board and play myself! Crokinole is a game played occasionally. I like playing the newer games our children have, like Ticket to Ride and Settlers. Lots of variation in them.
    One of my students is going to Korea for 2.5 weeks to see the Olympic Games in person. I hope he does his homework!

  4. Nice to see you again Sylvia,
    Very interesting to see your games. The game board your father made looks wonderful!
    I liked to play games when I was a little girl in New Years Days with my family. Your post made me remember that it was fun and some of games have been kept in a family cabinet for many years. I should play games again with my granddaughter!!
    Have a good new week, Sylvia.

  5. Hi Sylvia
    We like to play Scrabble, and Chess. We also play simple card games with the grandchildren.

    Your card set is very pretty. I wonder if they are from a company known as Pomegranate, as they often sell paper items such as these--pretty journals, cards, calendars, etc.

    Colorado has a few skiers and snowboarders in the Olympics so I'm rooting for them!

  6. Hey Sylvia ..We have just introduced some our favourite game to the grandchildren this past Christmas... Scrabble is alittle ahead of their age , but we’ve started them on snakes and ladders .monopoly and a myriad of cards games PLUS chinese checkers.. It just seems that that’s the best way to get them thinking instead of playing on the iPads.... Funnily enough, they really ENJOY it !!!! Thanks for sharing your wonderful mosaic post...Hugs


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