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Friday, June 1, 2018

Pretty Things, Delicious Food and Family

My sister was out to visit for a couple of days.

She brought gifts she had picked up for me recently.  This is a nice classic shape flower pot.  My plant shelf had taken a spill recently due to my lack of attention so a new pot was in order.  I love it.

Next to it is a 15 minute timer which I purchased for my photography because the sand was yellow which will be a nice addition to my cobalt glass photos.  She also encouraged me that I could scrape off the black letters on the outside of it.  Indeed I was able to so now they will not be in the way during my photography!  Thanks.

The other flower pot was in the shape of a watering can!  Really lovely and it's yellow!  How perfect.

I switched out the plants until it all worked.

The plants are doing so much better closer to the window.

I am very happy and I remember to water them regularly.  I expect they soon will need a feed of plant food to keep then healthy.

She also brought a wicker hat which did not work for her purposes.

I hung this in the bathroom where I have had a winter snowman hanging year in year out.  It was time for an update.  I had recently made that decision and then the wicker hat arrived!

I will have to decorate it with some flowers I expect but have not decided yet what they will be.

Sunflowers are my first thought but not really fitting with the bathroom so I will think on it some more.

We had a good walk in the afternoon to a high end second hand store but came home empty handed.

Spent some time on photography door prizes for the barbecue on Monday.  More about that later.

We cooked a wonderful supper for ourselves.  Steak, mushrooms and onions, coleslaw, and asparagus.  It was delicious.

We headed over to my other sister's to visit, pick up some art from my niece and look over some sewing machines.

It was a wonderful couple of days.


  1. It sounds like you had a great visit with your sister. She brought some lovely gifts for your home. Your table is beautiful with the yellow and blue, and dinner looks delicious!

  2. What a delightful visit. It is obvious your sister knows you and your tastes well - love the yellow watering can flower pot! And your table setting looks pretty enough to eat with or without the food!


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