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Tuesday, August 14, 2018

This Morning

It was a foggy morning.

I can`t see the end of the bridge across the river.

Great to get a few pigeons taking off!

It rained most of the day yesterday and it was cold this morning (6C) compared to +30C for most of last week.

Water droplets were everywhere.

Check out the thorn hidden mostly by the water drop.

This is Japanese Bayberry - Rose Glow one of my favorite bushes.  You  don`t the color here but it is great.

All the spider webs where highlighted with dew drops this morning.  It was spectacular.

This is a droopy rose with wonderful dew drops all over it.

I love the upcoming rose buds.

You can see the foggy morning still hanging in.

This is a pink cosmos which is called Cupcake which is a double bloom.

I found a nice collection of leaves too.


  1. I especially like the photo of the drooping rose with water droplets. Looks like you found beauty on a quiet morning.

  2. I do love a foggy morning. That's lovely. And then the big bright burst of color with the blooms. I love it!

  3. Sylvia - we arrived home today from a 5-day trip, and found that it had rained overnight - about a half an inch! My hubby and I went for a walk after dinner, and I could hear the plants and trees sighing with relief to get some moisture. Your pictures have captured this very well. I hope we are past our drought of a summer and that more precip is on the way!


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