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Thursday, November 1, 2018

12 Mini Meditations Photo Collection

We all need tools to manage the hectic life we live.  I wanted to create a tool for those who need to be reminded how to destress.

Meditations are a great way.  I found 12 Mini Meditations authored by Meg Selig on line.  We all can take 30 seconds to invest in ourselves. I chose only the title of each meditation for this project.  I provide the link to the full information for those who want to persue that.

I have paired my photography with phrases of mini meditations. 

This tool sits in your space whether that is your desk at work, the organization corner in your kitchen, or your home office. 

I recommend that you rotate them every week or month so that you get familiar with the concepts so when stress hits you have quick access to a way to handle it.  You can enjoy the images which provide a bit of a bright spot to enjoy each day.

I have been given permission by the author to produce these.  I am offering them in this craft season and we will see if folks see the value. 

The photographs were selected to provide a single element of focus to provide a calming composition.

The words are placed to be easily read but not overwhelming to the composition.

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