Class Information

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Iris Flower

This is an iris from the my Aunt Winnie`s casket as I attended the service this afternoon.

She was woman who raised 5 children and was predeceased by my uncle a few years ago. She was also predeceased by 2 of her children.

She enjoyed gardening, growing food, collecting seeds and having flowers bloom.

She was recycling before it was cool.  She made sure good stuff was refurbished and donated to those who could use it.

Had a great visit with cousins, aunts and uncles.

I appreciated the time she took when I was 18 and needed to get some practice driving after I had taken my course and before I took my road test.  If I recall it was once a week for about 6 weeks.   I did pass my test and bought my first vehicle shortly there after.

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