Class Information

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Welcome to my Kitchen

Our ladies fellowship group met this morning and we had 22 ladies attend.  We were fortunate that our hostess has a social room where she lives which provided lots of space for all of us.

The ladies on snack provided toast, muffins, fruit, mini quiches and great tea and coffee.

The size of group meant I only visited with a few people because there were 7 tables.

Our devotion was on Friendship.  We are blessed to have friends who love us, support us, and appreciate us. 

A poem was read from the Psalms Now book which was very good.

Our prayer list was long but we are committed to being praying ladies which is one way can can support each other.

Books were exchanged.

1 comment:

  1. I love mini-quiches … haven't had a quiche in a while and it sounds like the perfect winter meal … My prayer list grows every day - there is much need in the world.


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