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Sunday, March 17, 2019

Recent Photos

 I finally got some good photos of the chickadees at the bird feeder. I took LOTS of photos and ended up with a few good ones.

                 I am not looking at you!                                                   Hello!
                 I'm busy eating.                                                                I am outa here!

The water is running and the sun is shining and it feels so good!

Spring arrived all of a sudden here last week.  I have been able to get out with the camera 3 times this past week.

The pussy willows agree that spring is here and let's get on with it!

I wholeheartedly agree.

The sunsets have been great.

I captured the con trail of a plane headed up as the sun set.

Last night there was cloud cover which hid the sun early.

I finished this book this week.  I can take Christmas all year round - books, stories, cards bring it on!

A large tree chosen for Rockafeller Square is 50 years old and has been lovingly tended all these years. It is stolen the night before it is to be felled. Why? Who? When? All the press is here and no tree. 

This mystery is because it has something hidden away in its branches which has been there for a long time as well.  The item is worth a long of money and the one who secreted it there years ago comes back to claim his prize.  What he doesn't know it that this tree grows from the top so he could have just climbed it like he did when he hid the flask.  No need to steal the tree.

In the end the tree does make it to New York all lit up for the world to see.

The Nuthatch bird was eating from the suet feeder totally hanging upside down.
The Woodpecker was being very cagey and only peeking around the corner to check if I was still there.

I will get a better photo another day.

Check out my Macro Monday photo - Volume Dial on my stereo

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Mosaic Monday #19 hosted by Angie at Letting go the Bay Leaf.

Thru Your Lens #183 hosted by Mersad

Whims & Fancies


  1. Hello, lovely photos of the birds and sunset. I will have to look for that book, I love a good mystery. Enjoy your day, have a happy week ahead.

  2. Sylvia - a terrific variety of photos this week - it helps to be able to go outside again! So hard to take photos when the weather requires gloves, don't you think? I also enjoyed your chickadee captions. Spot on! I am grateful for your faithful participation in Mosaic Monday - have a wonderfully warm week!

  3. I am excited for our spring birds to return. - Margy

  4. I love chickadees. They are adorable. I'm exhausted trying to keep up with my feeders. The birds are draining them as fast as I can fill them....along with the squirrels who have figured out how to open my suet cages and steal the suet cakes. It's been a looonngggg winter!


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