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Monday, April 22, 2019

This Week in photos!

I had an Easter Bunny at my place at the breakfast table Sunday morning.

Milk chocolate my favorite and in such a cute shape.

The bell around his neck actually jingles. Way too cool.

I shared it around the table and had  the left overs with my supper last night.

I always bring flowers to Mom for Easter so those are the pink tulips.  They will open later this week. There was a basket of mums on the table and see the blue bunny hiding amongst the blooms.

There was a little boy celebrating his 2nd birthday on Saturday.

His Mom had made this beautiful cake.  The train actually ran around the cake on the track.  Very cool!

The fondant decorations was very well done.  Hills, mountains, gulls, flowers, a big sun were all around the cake.  Chocolate cake was great.

I stopped to take a photo of these stands of trees along the highway.  They soon will lose their silhouettes and but leaf covered.  It was early evening and the sky was starting to be multicolored.

The theme for Macro Monday this week was "bottle cap". We could photograph anything which would seal a bottle.

This is a glass stopper for a glass perfume bottle.

I added some bokeh in the background.  You can check Flickr hereMy photos here.

Sharing with Angie who hosts Mosaic Monday and Mersad who hosts Through my Lens.


  1. That is the cutest cake I've ever seen! Sounds like lots of happy times there! Enjoy your week!

  2. The bottle stoppers look like little people statues. Nice! What a fun train cake, toot toot.

  3. Sylvia - I have one (or more) of those Lindt bunnies in my life, and they are a joy in every way. I usually hold onto those bells for a bit, thinking I will do something with them … How wonderful to bring flowers to your Mom for Easter. At church, our Easter lilies had barely opened for Sunday morning services, but the blessing is that they will last longer! That cake is amazing! Thanks for linking your delightful photo collection to Mosaic Monday!

  4. ...that's a cake that even a big boy would like!

  5. Hello, the milk chocolate bunny is a nice treat. The birthday cake looks so cute, happy birthday to the little one. I am sure your mom loves her pretty flowers. Enjoy your day, have a happy new week ahead.

  6. The cake is one of the most impressive. I’ve never seen the design like on the surface, so pleasing and uplifting. The trains running around a cake is cool. Most importantly, it looks so delicious.


  7. Love that Easter Bunny! And the cake with the moving train is incredible. I’m sure your mom was happy with her flowers... , those pink tulips are beautiful.


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