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Monday, July 29, 2019

Recent Photos

This is the flowers that Dad bought for Mom`s 85th birthday this weekend.  It is an Anthurium and the way to water it is to place 6 ice cubes on the soil once a week.  Place it in bright indirect light. She will have a reminder of this milestone for a while.

We had a terrific day of celebration with family, friends and neighbors. 

My sister picked some Hairy False Goldenaster on the weekend for me. 

I placed them in this great Robert Held Blue Poppy art glass vase.  I diffused the background by hanging sheer drapes on the second rod in the living room window.  I was always setting up something temporary. Now, they will stay up all the time.

This book was recommended by a friend in the Welcome to my Kitchen group.  Kate Quinn is an who writes historical fiction.

This book was a great one.  Covering time during the Second World War and the early 1950s.  The name character is a strong woman who flew airplanes for Russia. A war correspondent who was connected in another way was the other main character. It was a nice change in point of view as I have read many with England as the background.  The end has a interesting twist and excellent ending.  Would highly recommend this book.

Made of Wood was the theme for Flickr Macro Monday.  This a section of wood magnet from Hawaii brought back by a friend a couple years ago.

You can visit my Flickr photo stream to see which photo I submitted.

You can check out the submissions for the theme here.

I am finding the cloves especially beautiful this year.

Top left is white clover.
Top right is a Great Crested Grebe

Bottom left is Perennial Sow Thistle.
Bottom right is a Cinnamon Teal.

I really enjoyed seeing the sides of the highways covered by Yellow Sow Thistles.  It looked like a garden planted along the way.

Sharing with Mosaic Monday #38


  1. Sylvia - belated happy birthday to your Mom! I have a red Anthurium - when it was given to me, it was growing in water (and it still is). Earlier this spring, I changed out the water and fertilized it, and it has just produced its first flower since last summer! Lovely collage, and glad to see you back at Mosaic Monday!

  2. I like the angle of your flower shots; it shows off their character. A Happy Birthday to your mom!

  3. Happy birthday to your mom! What a lovely gesture from your dad :) I do like the flowers your sister picked and your Hawaiian momento.

    My Corner of the World

  4. Hello, pretty birthday card, The flowers are all beautiful. I like the shot of the Great-crested Grebe and the Teal. Lovely images and mosaic! I wish you a happy day and week ahead!

  5., 85 years young, congrats!!!

  6. Hi! Your mosaic photo is very beautiful. I like your Anthurium one too. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Beautiful mosaic Sylvia! We’re celebrating my husband’s 80th BD this week, Happy belated to your mom. Fun to know that is how you water that lively exotic flower!


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