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Monday, December 9, 2019

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I went to see Mom & Dad this week to celebrate Dad's 90th birthday. 

There was 7 of us for lunch then we headed to their place of chocolate cake.  My sister made the cake which was healthy with zuchinni and bran.  We had fresh fruit and some whipped cream to top off the cake. 

It was great to see them and Dad will have had 3 celebrations before the week is done.

Champagne was had with their friends on Friday. 

The large nativity is up with the new to me Avon Nativity figures my sister found at a thrift shop.  I connected with her at Dad's birthday. 

I got the stable last year when my niece spotted at a thrift shop.  It needed a lot of cleaning but it looks great.

I added some gold fabric to represent straw, put stars in the sky, the fused glass star I bought at the Art Gallery Christmas Store last year.  Perfect size.  Mercury glass trees in the background.

I think I could use a couple of the animals (donkey and or oxen) from the Avon set.  I will keep my eye out during the year. 

The round Silent Night ornament was purchased at the craft sale I was part of 2 weeks ago.  Works well here!

I cleared the telephone table from the clutter and it is sitting where I can see if often.

I bought a soapstone card holder at the reception at the Art Gallery on Saturday night.  I like support other artist as I would like their support for my products.

I love the cool green outside against the warm colors on the inside of the stone.

I plan on using it in my photography to add words easily.

Love the quote from Wayne Dyer that was included with the holder.

Sharing with Angie at Letting Go the Bay Leaf who hosts Mosaic Monday #57


  1. ...what a beautiful Nativity, I'm sorry to hear that you don't have snow to enjoy!

  2. I love chocolate cake. That was a nice way to celebrate. - Margy

  3. Great to hear your Dad is stretching out his birthday celebrations! and so he should! I love what you have done with your nativity scene. Have a wonderful week and thank you for visiting my blog this week.

  4. Sylvia - so pleased to have you return to Mosaic Monday. I had to giggle when I read that your sister made a "healthy" chocolate cake that includes bran - is that what we have to plan for when we are 90? Congrats to your dad - what a milestone! We also place our nativity in a prominent place in the house - a visible reminder of the reason for the season! "Joy"!


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