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Monday, January 6, 2020

Photos - This Week

My aunt gave me this plant - Dracaena.  It is a good indoor plant and helps with cleaning the air.

When growing a dracaena plant, locate it in brightly filtered light, such as through a sheer curtain in front of a sunny window. Room temperatures of 60-70 F. (15-21 C.) are best during the day, with night temperatures about 10 degrees cooler. However, the dracaena is forgiving of temperatures, as long as they are not too cold. 

I have placed it near the east window which is the brightest I can provide.  I think right next to the window would be too cold so it is about 4 feet away. We will see how it goes.  It benefits from misting occasionally and moist soil but not soggy.  It enjoys a time of dormancy in the winter during which it does not need fertilizer.

I really don't have a green thumb and growing things does not come naturally. 

I finished this book recently.  A Sudden Change of Heart by Barbara Taylor Bradford. The story's main characters are Laura and Claire.  Laura is from a well to do family and Claire is taken into the family at about age 10.  Laura is an art consultant and works in New York but travels a lot.  She enjoys time with her grandmother, Megan Valiant.  And the family farm where the girls spent time together as children is in Connecticut. Claire lives in Paris with her teenage daughter following a divorce and works for a magazine.

When Laura's work takes her to Paris she always takes time to visit with Claire. 

Laura works on finding art which was stolen from Jewish families during the WWII.  She finds several pieces but the challenge is to have the current owners relinquish the art to the rightful owners or their descendants. Many are worth a lot of money.

Health challenges visit Claire and eventually she is back in Connecticut in the home she lived in as child.  Memories surface of her home life before coming to live with the Valiants.  She comes to terms with the life events with the help of Laura and Megan.

I cut a few 2.5 inch strips of bright fabric for our quilting time tonight.  We are working on making some kid quilts for a women's shelter.

These will be assembled like jelly rolls.  They will get a layer of polyester fiber fill and a backer.  I believe the small quilts will be machine quilted instead of long arm quilted.

Hopefully, others will have some coordinating colored strips.  I forgot to ask if I should have included solids as well.  We shall see.

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