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Monday, February 24, 2020

Recent Photos

I went for a walk with my aunt on the weekend and finally got a good photo of the Bohemian Waxwing.  I did not recognize their song but she did as she gets great shot regularly in her neighbourhood.

They were in very tall trees and and the coloring was so close to their feather they were very hard to spot.

I just love their vibrant coloring especially their bring yellow tail.  I can see the light in its eye which was great to capture!

Macro Monday on Flickr this week was Sweet or Savory.

Here I have photographed white sugar with my antique silver sugar spoon.

You can check out my photostream and my final selection.

A visit from my sister and brother in law recently saw the return of my TV tables.  He created a small stand for the tables from the wood of the larger table that used to hold them.  I did not need the table and needed the room it was taking so he offered to re engineer the set.

I am so happy with this smaller foot print!  I will have to declutter some more to make the perfect place for them but it is coming along.

Gaining on the keeping the place tidy!

My small quilt box was overflowing!   I delivered these quilts to the rep for Project Linus yesterday!  Now I have room for more quilting.  I also delivered 3 made by my sister. Red and Blue, Animal Baby Quilt, Baby Boy Quilt

She has been quilting a lot this winter as well.

I will likely not be quilting this summer and focus on photography!  I soon will have to trim down my volunteering so I can feel I have a little more free time.

I made a Memory Book for my Mom from the photos I took at our Reunion this summer.  This was a Christmas gift.

I delivered it to her on the Family Day weekend.

Sharing on Mosaic Monday #68 hosted by Angie at Letting Go of the Bay Leaf.

Through my Lens #229 hosted by Mersad.

Blog Give Away

I am working on a photography show in 2021. 

There are several options regarding subject matter.  Nature Minimalist, Golden Hour, Black and White, Abstract, Reflections.

I am interested in what my followers' opinions would be. Follow the link above and leave a comment with your choice and what you think about the style.

Thanks so much.


  1. We have Cedar Waxwings where we live. They don't return every year, but when they do it is a beautiful sight. - Margy

  2. Sylvia - some of our summer birds are starting to return - such as the male red-winged blackbird. This is our sign that other birds, including Waxwings, will soon follow! Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

  3. That's an awesome shot of the Waxwing!

  4. I don’t think I’ve ever seen the Bohemian Waxwing, unless one of the times I thought I saw cedar waxwings, they were really this one. I need to read About how to tell the difference. Your quilt mosaic is lovely.

  5. I think I've seen the waxwings as well but I'm not positive. Either way, lovely bird. I love the water droplet photo, as a photography buff I find it interesting to see others candid shots and take on themes.
    Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade

  6. Hello,, I have only seen the Cedar waxwings, I would love to see the Bohemian Waxwing. They are beautiful birds. The quilts are beautiful. The Memory Book for your Mom was a lovely idea. I love the droplet, your photos are beautiful. Enjoy your day, have a great weekend!


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