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Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Sewing Project - Quilt Topper Help

I took this set of Pineapple Quilt Squares home on Monday night.  A friend from the group was no sure how to proceed with these and needed help.  These squares were made where the pinks would create the pineapple when assembled like the one below.

I suggested that if the squares were sashed that would bring out the central square.  Yes, it would disrupt the pineapple but so what.  No big deal and it would look pretty.

The first thing to be done was clean up the squares by removing all the threads and bits of fabric.

Then they had to be squared to a consistent size.  I started at 11.25 but found one was smaller at 11.00 so redid the others to match. Now I had nine 11" inch squares.

The blue fabric was cut to 2.5 inches wide.  I cut a 6 to 11" wide and sewed them to the middle row squares top and bottom. Then, I added the another square on top and bottom on the other side of the blue top and bottom. Now I had 3 columns of squares.  I then cut long strips of sashing and sewed that between the columns to complete the square you see at the top. 

I am returning the piece to my friend who will move forward with the final quilt topper.

1 comment:

  1. You are a good friend, beautifully using your talent to help her move along on her creation.


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