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Monday, April 6, 2020

Recent Photos

We had pretty snow fall on Saturday and Sunday.  It felt like a snow squall where the sun was shining but the snow was falling out of the sky.  Nice and fluffy and just coming down slow.  That is how I managed the snow bokeh in this shot.

About 1" of snow fell over the two days the sun is shining today and it is melting away fast.

I am loving sitting at the dining room table in the sun about 10:00am with my first cup of tea!  Great way to spend a half hour.

I made muffins today as well.

I have been running a cool mist humidifier for the last couple of days.   I helped my dry nose some. 

I have no way of knowing the level of humidity in my place so it is a bit of a shot in the dark.

I made this happy face for my window to let those out there who are working how much I appreciate their work. 

Thanks to health care workers, garbage collectors, those keeping the lights and heat on, first responders - fire dept, police officers, and EMTs.  Those who are keeping the grocery stores and pharmacies open.  Your work is vital and important to me.  Thank You So Much.

Check out the bit of fluffy snow on this thistle.  It is amazing that they just hang around all winter time.

The sun was really nice.

Plastic is the theme for Flickr Macro Monday.  These are plastic straws.
You can check out my entry in my photo stream.

In recent days my neighbours have installed super bright flood lights in their parking lot.  It lights up my place even when the curtains are closed.

Sharing with Mosaic Monday #74 hosted by Angie.

Through My Lens #235 hosted my Mersad

My Corner of the World - Hosted by Betty


  1. I love the happy face in your window! What a great idea! Take care of yourself and stay healthy! Hugs from Florida, Diane

  2. Thanks for sharing. Happy modaic Monday


  3. Your straw photo is very cool! Hope you can resolve the bright lights at night. Take care.

  4. Sylvia - we have had on and off snow since the beginning of April. So much for Spring! It will get warmer later this week and I am looking forward to getting out in my garden! I would love to put hearts or teddy bears or smiley faces in our windows, but we are so far out I am not sure anyone would see it! I hope you have a blessed Holy Week and a Happy Easter. Thanks for linking up to Mosaic Monday!

  5. Beautiful composition with plastic.


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