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Monday, April 13, 2020

Recent Photos

This is the puzzle I am going to make this week.  It is from Eurographics Puzzles and is a reproduction of Marc Chagall's - The Blue Violinist done in 1947.  He was a Russian French painter (1887-1985) raised in the Jewish faith who spent time in Paris in the early 20th century.  He traveled extensively and lived in the in several countries during his long life.

I see that I will need a bigger space than I thought to put this one together.  I will work on that.

I hope all the pieces are there as I did acquire it second hand.  Here' s hoping.

I did some coloring this morning the gorgeous sunshine which was really warm!  Considering that it was -18C at 7:00 am.  That's enough reason to stay inside.  This will become a card.  The coloring book originally appeared in this post.

I finished this book this week.  It was different to read a book written by a man with Kabul, Afghanistan as the setting for the story.  It takes place after the Taliban has taken over the city and affected the culture and place dramatically. The two couples in the story Moshen & Zunaira - wealthy and had careers and Atiq & Musarrat - now a prison keeper with his wife very sick and dying.  It is a very difficult life.

It has made me want to research more about Afghanistan history as they had very different lives before the Taliban.  The couples were more equal it seems before and now there is a drastic contrast in their every day lives.

Yasmina Khadra is the nom de plume of the Algerian army officer Mohammed Moulessehoulm, who is the author.  He took the feminine pseudonym to avoid submitting his manuscripts for approval by military censors while he was still in the army.

I took hundreds of photos this week in the above mentioned sunshine.

This is one of my shadow macro photos.  The object is a small black mesh half sphere in shape. Could be the top of a microphone possibly. 

I love the intersection of the actual metal mesh and the shadow the sun created.  I find the shapes that result appealing.  The dark crescent shape created by the overlapping of 2 shadows is very cool.

The Flickr Macro Monday theme this week was "Shadow".

The mosaic on the right are a few of the photos I took.  You can check out my photo stream at .

I am sharing with
Mosaic Monday #75 hosted by Angie
Through my Lens #236 hosted by Mersad
My Corner of the World hosted by Betty


  1. I have found it is difficult to concentrate long enough to read. I finally finished my first book since March 15. - Margy

  2. I hope you stay safe and healthy this week. I have lots to read and do but don't always feel very motivated. Hugs!

  3. Shadows are such interesting things! I love your shadow photos and your coloring is gorgeous! Thanks for the review of the book, too.

    I'm delighted to read your post at 'My Corner of the World' this week! Thanks for linking up!

  4. I like to do puzzles too.--I too am fascinated by the culture in Afghanistan from years ago---yes very different
    Stay safe

  5. Sylvia - what a world we live in that a man would use a female nom de plume! Love your shadow photos - the marble and the seed head are my favorites. Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday, and have a wonder-full week!

  6. That is a great shot of the mesh with the shadow intersecting. I really enjoyed the shadow play collage. You have a very good eye for details.
    Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade
    Found you over at Angie's and the Mosaic Monday


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