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Saturday, October 31, 2020

Happy Ghoulish Halloween

 Wishing everyone a Happy Halloween. 

This photography technique is Pareidolia in which the photography captures a face in everyday objects. 

This is  a day lily seed pod and it was great that the 2 top were empty and the mouth was still full. A ghoul face with spider webs! 

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Sylvia's Simple Shots

A red barn on my road trip to the country a couple weeks ago. 

It was before the snow came.

I loved the red and green colors - dare I say the Christmas colors.

We have had snow and last night it rained and now it's all gone again.  I guess it will not be white for Halloween at the end of the week.


It was very interesting to read another of Amy's books.  This one takes place in China in the early 1900's.   Violet is the main character who is growing up in a courtesan house owned and managed by her mother Lulu who is an American.  They are living in Shanghai in the International Settlement under China's last imperial dynasty.  They see the collapse and how that affects businesses and trade.  They see the consequences of the 1918 Influenza epidemic.  It was eerie to be reading about that one during this one.

This is a story of strong relationships between female characters.  Violet suffers a long heartbreak, tragedy, betrayal in her young life. But with faithful friends she makes it through.

I really enjoyed the book.

Another set of skeins of yarn for my afghan.  

Beautiful blue color from my sister. 

Will have to work on finding an actual pattern for a classic granny square. 

I have owned this set of hooks since my early twenties.  Nice to some things last a long time. 

This is the crane that is used to build a new high rise close to my place.  I could not see it this summer because of the leaves but now I can see it pretty well.

I manage to get it sparkling in the sun through the trees one morning. 

Construction has not really slowed down here during the epidemic.  Glad to see some people kept their jobs. 

I will have to take a walk and check out how tall the structure is becoming.

The Flickr Macro Monday Challenge this week was "One Color".  You can check my Photostream (SMDPics) to see my submission.

Monday, October 19, 2020

Sylvia's Simple Shots

I took a walk yesterday with extra layers on just to get out of the house and see something other 4 walls and give my leg some exercise.

There are a lot of leaves on the ground and they make a lovely sound when I walked through them. 

There were big snowflakes falling for a few minutes.  In my neighbourhood we don't have snow on the ground yet.  I am surrounded by many areas that do have snow on the grassy areas.

I took this shot from very near the ground to have some good depth of field. 

Love the few snowflakes captured at the same time.

This is "Frank the Owl".  He is a multicolored glass figurine from Piers 1. He was rescued by my sister from the trash and donated to me. 

I love his big blue eyes.  He is very cute and has no chips or damage of any kind.  Thank you sister. His body is multi - colored glass with orange feet and beak.

I love glass despite that at times it is hard to photograph.

The navy yarn arrived with my sister from my Mom's house.  This is what I will assemble my new afghan when the squares are complete.  

I checked my old files this morning. Wow, I did a lot of crocheting in my twenties. Many were given away as gifts. I have 2 which stayed with me.

I have documented what yarn I used but not the size of the crochet hook or the pattern.  I will have to get started and do some sample squares to get them to 6.00 inches.  

Thanks to my sister again I have had 3 meals of turkey dinner.  Turkey with cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, brussel sprouts and dressing with garden fresh carrots. 

It was very good and another thank you to my sister.

On my walk yesterday I stopped at the recycle center and rescued these 3 books from a box.  I will quarantine them for a couple of weeks.

I have been reading a lot being at home so much so I need a regular injection of new ones.  I think our libraries are open but I have not been visiting them.

Winter has come very quickly to our area.  These flowers were still around.  The first is Pink Yarrow, the middle is a dried Echinacea or Cone Flower and there were still roses and buds.


"String" is the challenge for Flickr Macro Monday today.  The photo on the left is one of a few I took for the challenge.  It is a clay button with a jute bow.

You can check my Photostream SMDPics to see which photo I submitted. 

I am sharing with Angie who hosts Mosaic Monday #101  and Mersad who hosts Through My Lens #262.

Monday, October 12, 2020

Sylvia's Simple Shots

I have been laid low with health issues and finally this week my energy is back.

I have gotten very few shots of Blue Jays but last week I got this one.

I was so excited.  He had been foraging on the ground which helped me spot him.  I did get a few shots on the ground but would prefer a tree shot.  

He then accommodated me and sat there for a very short while before he flew off into the wild blue yonder.

I finished this book during my low energy phase.  It is a memoir so a true story.  A woman of the world but struggles with mental health.  When she decides to settle down and have kids she suffers a miscarriage first then has a baby but by then the partner is gone!

She builds a group of people to be her "family".  Her mom and brother are involved but there is the nanny Tita which I believe saved her life.  She became an employee, a partner, and a friend during the critical first 3 years of her baby's life.  There were several others who came in and out of her life at critical points.  She had the capacity to embrace these folks which is wonderful.

Great story of adapting, going with the flow, discernment, hurt, process emotions and just moving forward when you are lost.

This is an afghan I crocheted in the 1970s.  Can you tell?  The oranges, the browns were primary colors in that period. 

Interesting how being sick makes some things clearer.  I have decided that I would like a more "me" afghan for my bed so I put the call out of free yarn when I researched the price of new.

My aunt dug through her stash and donated some.  My Mom called the other day and said she had some I could have.   I have no idea how much I need so I will have adjust along the way.

This is the stash I was given with no orange or brown visible.  

I have to dig through my box of patterns to see if I can find the original "granny square" pattern and the size of hook I used.

I have decided to assemble the squares with navy which Mom has donated.

Great watching TV project for the winter.

This book I gave up on about half way through.  Having sex is what everyone here is doing and that is mostly what the author was focusing on.

Not my idea of a great book.

I am back to getting outside for photos.  This is a pond on my road trip this week. Decided to head to the country rather that compete with people at popular destinations.  We still have Canada Geese here as the weather overall has been great. No frost or s**w yet. I love the reflections of the old sticks of wood in the water.  A goose feather where they had been bedding down.

The challenge at Flicker Macro Monday is Translucent.  Here, I have shot a glass star behind a textured glass tile.  I love how just the wire which is closest to the tile is in focus and the rest is not.  You can check out Photostream SMDPics to see the shot I submitted.

I am sharing with Angie who hosts Mosaic Monday #100 and

Mersad who hosts Through my Lens #261