Class Information

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

"My Quiet Time" Kit

I am working on Christmas gifts.

I put together these "My Quiet Time" kits which provides a few things for one to set aside time to be still and recharge.

I know we all want to spend time with family in these days but I believe we need balance in order to recharge our batteries.

I am an introvert so I need time alone to build up my energy.

This kit would appeal to several different practices whether that is meditation, prayer, taking time away from technology, or breathing to center yourself.

The jumping off point for this was a set of sky photographs I put into a collection recently.  They provide a contrast to my usual macro get in close type of photography and I thought gave the sense of an expansive point of view.

Thinking they would work well to be used a starting point for spending some quiet time where we can calm our spirits from the chaos of our times.

I put together a collection of 10 sky photos from several years worth of picture archives.

I was amazed that I had quite a few.  I was not aware that I regularly took landscape photos.

They fit nicely in a black metal holder which allows a person to browse through them and place the one for today's practice on the front.

They are 6x4 photographs with a nice white border around edge with no further distractions.

With the objective of engaging several senses during this quiet time I wanted to work with sight and touch.

A candle provides warmth for the sense of touch and a flame for sight.  

The flame could be used as a focus point where one can get lost in time.

It is an unscented candle as I know many people have scent sensitivity.

The candle included can be used for many sessions and when it is used up, it can easily be replaced.

Please remember: Do not leave a lit candle unattended.  Blow it out before you leave the space.

I have included some "Focusing Phrases" which are positive thoughts which one could spent time with.

They can be repeated silently or audibly depending on the circumstances of the quiet time session.

The card is stored along with the photos in the black holder.

I have added a tab so that it can be easily pulled from the holder to make a selection of a phrases in any given session.

These are only suggestions and there is room on the back to write down some personal ones.

With the idea of incorporating scent to engage the sense of smell I thought an essential oil diffuser would be a great addition.

Wanting to work the supplies I had on hand I went to my metal and wood drawer.  I had several wood shapes in there but I wanted the diffuser to have some presence and not lay flat. I found these small wood peg dolls which I thought would work perfectly.

The person can add their own favorite essential oil to the doll by placing a drop of oil onto it's head.  I placed the wood figure onto a metal disc to protect the surface it is placed on from damage the oil may cause. 

I bit of colorful thread tied in a bow around the neck added the final touch.

With a bit of research in quiet time practices it was suggested in a couple that beads could be used in several ways.  To track the count of repetitions of phrases or they could be just a way to keep your hands busy so your mind can focus during the practice.  

I am a big believer in counting blessings and the positive effect on our lives when we practice gratitude.  I would use the beads to count my blessings during my quiet time.

A person could also add a journal to their quiet time routine to record blessings.

I hope they will be a blessing to those who receive them this year.

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