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Saturday, February 4, 2023

Sylvia's Simple Shots

I made an overlay cloth for my navy tablecloth.  

The fabric is 100% cotton and was not quite square.  

I squared it up to 23 inches finished size.  I hemmed it with a fancy stitch and white thread.

I finished this book - Sarah's Key by Tatiana de Rosnay.  It is set in Paris, France during in July 1942 and Second World War is coming closer. When the knock came to the door Sarah locked her small brother in their safe cupboard and promised the come back for him later. Sarah and her family were part of the great round up at Velodrome d'Hiver, where 13,152 Jews were arrested. Jewish families were locked up there for days, in appalling conditions. Then sent to Auschwitz. Then gassed. 

Julia Jaramond in New York is a reporter assigned the 60th anniversary of the great roundup. The round up was performed by French policemen and not the Nazi soldiers.

This was an excellent read and hard to put down. The turns that take place to connect these two women are amazing. A story of love, hate, sadness, doing the right thing and being true to one's self. 

I bought myself a thermometer to test meat when cooking.

I started physio this week for my sore knee. 

I suffered a subluxation of the knee cap which hurt like crazy!! With elevation and icing the pain got better.  The knee cap (patella) returned to it's place but the muscles in the thigh need to be strengthened to keep that little thing where it is supposed to be.

I do my exercises every day and things are getting better.

Another great book - Mercy House by Alena Dillon.  This is set in Brooklyn New York where a renegade Sister Evelyn and her fellow nuns preside over a safe haven for abused and abandoned women. 

The nuns no longer need to where habits so they blend into society more easily which helps in their work. The word spreads that safety can be found at the door with the angel door knocker.  The nuns are street smart and deal with women who have lived a hard life. 

When Evelyn finds out that the house will be investigated by Bishop Hawkins which she has known early in her novitiate life she is determined not to have her life's work terminated.

Steps are taken to bring the house closer to the Catholic standards of the 1960's. The women's stories are touching, the love the nuns pour into their hearts to allow the girls to believe in themselves again, retrain, get work and move back into society is wonderful.

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