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Saturday, June 17, 2023

Sylvia's Simple Shots

I visited the St. Albert Botanic Park with my aunt this week to see the peonies in full bloom.

Gorgeous big flowers in so many colors.

This is the third book in the Angelic Letters Series by Henry K. Ripplinger.  The Angel of Thanksgiving.

Henry and Julean are happy with their new daughter, a new home and Henry's new job.  He still cannot forget Jenny his first love.  Julean hears Henry talk to Jenny in his dreams at night and is troubled about it. 

Father Englemann has returned from the seminary and is as popular as he was as the grocery store owner.  He is now the parish priest still dispensing his lessons of love, forgiveness and thankfulness for all things.

Jenny accepts James' marriage proposal but puts the date far in the future hoping that Henry will be in touch.  Jenny and James eventually marry and Jenny has a son. She now lives on an estate with beautiful grounds and the flowers and nature and the gazebo are her solace. 

The angel her father commissioned before he passed eventually makes it's way to Jenny and is placed near the gazebo which brings her much comfort.

My aunt are just a few years apart in age and both celebrate our birthdays in June so we decided to treat ourselves to Delux Burgers - mushroom and sweet potato fries for lunch.  They were super delicious!

She had a pecan tart for dessert while I had a slice of tiramisu.  I saved the Nanaimo bar for supper.

The insects were a buzzing and flitting at the Botanic Park.  On the left is an Ashy Mining Bee - I had not seen a black and white bee before, the Ferris Ruddy Copper Butterfly just perched itself on the edge of the leaf for just a bit - I managed one shot, a Hoverfly on a pale purple Aster. 

It was a good week!

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