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Saturday, October 28, 2023

Sylvia's Simple Shots

We had been reminded on the Weather Network for days that it would appear so I did remember to aim the camera outside this week to capture the Hunter's Moon.

No, I did not wander outside at - 10C temperatures but I am fortunate to see it from my dining room window.  There was a little bit of cloud but just enough for interest and not enough to blur it out altogether.

On Monday, October 23 2023 we had our first snow fall.  As snowfall goes, it was quite light.

The temperatures have dropped considerably in just a few days so it is taking a bit of adjustment.

I had a eye appointment on Wednesday and it was a challenge to find the tuque, winter gloves and such to head on a trip to the north end of the city.

The streets were wonderful.

I am grateful to have had winter arrive not like a lion.

I have seen Halloweens in the past where we had 2 feet of snow and -20C where the kids were wearing parkas under their costumes.

I have discovered a new reality show from the UK. It is very good fun and a nice watch compared to what the US produces.

There are 16 series so I will have something decent to watch for the next while.

I have been watching FBI Files on the TV while I eat my supper since early October.

It does not bother me to watch crime, murder and such over my meal.

Again, there are years of the show and hopefully it does not disappear at the end of October but you never know.

I went to view the fall art show at St. Albert Place on Friday afternoon.  Some wonderful pieces of art to behold.

There was another very large Geode which I learned in the spring is done with styrofoam.

There is an artist there which produces very textured pieces and this fall I learned she uses a lot of recycled items to create the substructure of her trees etc.

It was an excellent art show.  Found out later that my aunt sold one of her paintings. Yeah!

I took a short walk along the Sturgeon River before I headed home.

There are still ducks on that cold water.  I guess their thermal systems allow for such madness.

The clouds were pretty heavy, the temperature quite cool, and the sun was just peeking through.

On Saturday, I dropped off my submissions for the Value of Color show and had visit with my aunt.  We spent some time working on getting pictures from her new phone to the computer.  When things change the process changes and needs some learning of new how tos.

I did fill the car with gas because it was 121.9 a liter.  It's been months since the price was that low.

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