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Saturday, February 24, 2024

Sylvia's Simple Shots

Its been a week for improvements in the sewing room department.

I have started buying distilled water for my steam iron which lessens the amount of times I have to clean it.  The cost is minimal about $2 and it is better all the way around.

I also found a water cup for the iron at the thrift store this week.  I have wanted one for a while and since I bought my iron second hand it did not come with one.

I have been reusing a disposable water bottle but it does not have the point to direct the water.

This cup works very well and it again was a bargain at the thrift store.

Another improvement in the sewing room was this clamp I found at the ReUse Center.

This the spool holder that my brother in law made me for Christmas a few years ago. It works well but the corner of my sewing desk is a bit short on space.  Whenever I pull the board to raise the machine it would topple over.  

This clamp is minimal but very effective.  It has been quite a while since I have worried about not toppling the spool holder.

I found this small bag of buttons at the thrift store when I met my sister in Wetaskiwin a while back.

They are vintage for sure with metal inserts in the holes for reinforcement.  There are about 50 of them so I am sure there is a project where they will fit in perfectly.

I had a visit with my youngest sister for Family Day.

She had a couple of friends over and we talked crafts, sewing, and all manner of other stuff.

We managed to make this puzzle while we chatted.

It was nice to be with family.

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