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Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Sewing Project - Wine Bottle Bag - Gold Accents

I made a few more bags today.  This fabric came from my sister and we paired it with a pink cotton poly for the lining.

I was able to figure out how to sew this bag with the slit in the lining and still have the regular box corners. I will post a How To when I have it ready.

This fabric has some gold accents in it so that informed my accents.

I had not decided what my accent would be so I had to hand stitch the gold ribbon on afterward making sure that I did not go to deep.  I used gold thread which worked really well.  With my slow stitching experience I am more confident to pick up a needle and thread.

I found a green cloth button in my stash which worked out very well in size and color.

Here's the other bag from the same fabric but it was the other half and this one read blue instead of green.  That is a bonus.

I am learning that I should be deciding on my accent before I start sewing because accents machine sewn seams are better.

For this one, I stitched the blue grosgrain ribbon in the 2 top stitch seams then added a gold metal button.

I am happy with these as I could customized the color and make 2 different looking bags.

For information of "My Bag" Line:

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