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Monday, January 15, 2018

500 Teapots Vol 1

I placed made a request at the library to bring this book to my branch since I so enjoyed the 500 Teapots Vol 2.  I picked it up on Saturday once the temperature here went above -20C.

I chose the teapot top left in the mosaic because it is so unusual.  It is called Roll & Pour.  The one below that is gold, teal and acorn as a finial on the lid. The 3rd one is very interesting because it looks like a teapot escaping from a box.
The top right hand side teapot with yellow strips is just a great classic shaped teapot.  I chose the bottom right hand teapot for the oval shape and the wonderful colors.

There was no need for the teapots to hold tea or pour.  It was a challenge completed by pottery artists around the world.  It is a book filled with eye candy.  Just loved the book.

Sharing with Mosaic Monday #68 hosted by Maggie at Normandy Life.


  1. Creativity abounds - and this is just a small selection from the book, right?

    I am a bit of a traditionalist, so I like the one in the lower right and the one escaping from the box!

    1. Angie, This is a very small selection from the 500. These are all art pieces and not commercial ventures. There are some that meet the function and the design.

  2. Eye candy indeed, love the teapot wrapped as a parcel.

  3. What fun designs. I've always thought that teapots and teacups were works of art.

  4. I need to look for this book. Looks fascinating.

  5. I saw this book recently on someone else's blog, too. It looks like quite a collection. Beautiful artistry.


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