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Friday, January 12, 2018

Blog Giveaway - 2018 Goals

I have not made New Year`s Resolutions for many years.  Last year, I set some Self Development Plans.  I am happy with my progress.
Learn - I bought a new camera which allows me to take different photos than I am used to.  Continue to my Flickr challenges and learning new techniques.
Read - I read 20 books in 2017. This included novels, true stories, picture books, and books to learn a skill or find a project.
Teach - I taught my monthly card club and a couple of bible studies.
Relax - Most of my relaxing time was reading time.  Not too many coloring pages were completed.  I did watch TV but with over air antenna reception is sometimes a challenge.  I totally enjoyed `This is Us` show.
Move - I did do exercises at home and walked at least an hour each morning for spring, summer and fall.  I am only up 2 pounds over the holidays but that is due to this deep freeze weather we have been experiencing.  I have been hibernating.

Check the end of the post for the giveaway details.

I managed an update to the kitchen which was not had not been firmed up in my mind last January.

Here are my goals for 2018!

CREATE - I will continue to create cards for card club and decorative paper for my cards at the gallery.

I want to create a website to showcase my photography.

I am working on the development of a workshop for my show at the gallery in October.

I am preparing a Fruit of the Spirit bible study which will start in February.

I very soon will be making decisions about the subject matter of my 2019 photo calendars and setting up photography time to get those done by the middle of the year. 

READ - I have decided to keep a Book Journal this year.  I will record the title and author at a minimum.  Characters where appropriate and a general rating on whether I would recommend the book.

I will capture insights I have gained, things I have learned, and concepts I can share from my reading of each book

This book has a sturdy translucent cover with a coil binding which needed to be tightened. Fortunately, I had the machine to do the job.  Once, that was sorted out I cut some black letters with the Stampin Up Little Letters thinlit set and glued them onto the first page.

I have already recorded my first book for 2018!

MOVE - I will continue to move each day.

I can run the stairs, use the treadmill downstairs, walk outdoors, and use my exercise video.

I have been using the stairs more because as the elevators are being overhauled so we will be down to one for the next 6 months.  I don`t NEED to take the elevator unless I am hauling groceries so there is more stair climbing in 2018.

CONNECT - I have been totally enjoying our monthly `Welcome to my Kitchen` fellowship group.
My blog lets me connect with fellow bloggers and my Flickr challenges with other photographers.
Card Club and card challenges let me connect with fellow card makers.
I am wanting to add another monthly social activity to my calendar and am looking to join a `Scrabble`game time once a month.  There are a couple of options available in my area.
I would like to host a few more friends over for tea this year as well.

DE-CLUTTER & ORGANIZE -  If you have followed my blog you may remember I worked on my craft space in 2013Craft supply storage in 2015.  The storage room in 2016.

In 2018 I am going to work on my wardrobe.  It`s been 3 years since I have had to go to a regular day job so I need to clear out some clothes I have not worn in that long.  Mom pointed out when I was home for Christmas that my favorite denim shirt was ready for the rag pile. The photo above shows the worn out one and it`s replacement.  I need a new pair of indoor runners.  There is some `Big`clothes that I have been saving in case that now just need to go. 

My renewed interest in sewing has attracted some supplies to my home which need a home.  So, I will have get rid of some stuff to make room for this.  Some hard decision will have to be made and paper may be sacrificed for fabric.

HIT THE ROAD - I want to make a few longer road trips this year.  Some will end with visiting family.  Some will be photography destinations.  Some will be just to get out of the city and see some country.

It`s been a year since I retired and I want to get out more.

I have four 2018 photo calendar as give aways for those who leave me a comment on this post.  Please share your 2018 goals, plans, objectives and upcoming events.  I will pick 4 winners on February 7th.  Have a super day!

Share Your Cup #279 hosted by Jann at Daily Cup with Mrs. Olson

Anything Goes Pink Saturday hosted by Beverly at How Sweet the Sound


  1. I like the way you did your blog I need to write it out like you did

  2. You've set great goals for 2018, Sylvia. Have you heard of GoodReads? It's a website where you can catalogue books that you've read or want to read, as well as share and read reviews.

    Moving more is also one of my goals. My office is on the 3rd floor and I usually take the elevators (unless I have to carry something heavy). I'm also trying to use up some of my tea stash before bringing home new teas.

    Thank you for the opportunity to win one of your photo calendars.

  3. What great goals you have set Sylvia. I don't do New Years resolutions per say, but am continually setting goals. I have been doing quite a bit of deep cleaning and dejunking. Did the pantry today and it feels good. I've done bathroom and kitchen drawers, but need to tackle the closet. I use to read alot, but rarely find time any more. I need to try to read more! Thanks for sharing with SYC and thanks for offering the sweet give away!

  4. These are just splendid goals. And it sure looks like your January has been productive in moving toward them. My goals this year including focusing more on my watercolor, taking at least one or two art-related classes or workshops (not necessarily painting), adding new trees to my cottage landscaping, finishing my research on my book and hopefully the book (by Christmas)and continuing the never-ending saga of losing weight!

  5. Hello!! I enjoyed reading this post about what you accomplished last year and what you hope to accomplish this year!! Great aspirations, as I call them, for this shiny New Year!! I too did a similar post but i chose a focus Word for the new Year, If interested, here is my Post on My One Little Word for 2018!!
    Thanks so much for stopping by!!

  6. Sylvia, I enjoyed reading the goals that you accomplished last year and the ones you will be working on this year! Wishing you a blessed week and stay warm!

  7. You really did great in 2017 and it sounds like you have wonderful plans for 2018 as well. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  8. I like that you put your goals into categories.

    I have a lot of things in my mind that I want to do, but I didn't put them in writing. I think I'm going to group them like you did and then choose something from each of the groups at the beginning of the week.

    For today, it's all about the garden.


Thanks for visiting. I love to read your comments.