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Monday, May 4, 2020

Sylvia's Simple Shots

This is a Larch Tree bud. It looks like a beautiful bouquet of pink and green.  We have several trees in the park.  The morning sun made it look glorious.

A Larch tree is a coniferous tree which unlike it's cousins loses it's leaves in the fall.

We really need rain to clean things and get nature really greening up.   It feels things are a couple weeks late which is just as well since we have to stay home anyway.

We are scheduled to have some restrictions lifted in a couple of weeks but I have I'm not going to be one just getting out there and crazy shopping.  I will give it a couple of weeks and see how it goes. I do have a few things to get for some renovations I need so we shall see.

I want to thank Margy who left me a comment on last weeks post where I packed away the puzzle.

She suggested that she does puzzles on line where there is nothing to put away. You can decide the number of pieces, the subject matter and the type of pieces which adds some difficulty to the process.

This is exactly what I needed.  I can spent an hour on the internet, see nice art, work my brain a bit with an interactive activity and it just gets put away with no mess.

I have been using The Jigsaw Puzzles website.  I liked the variety of subject matter available - I have done flowers and art.

It dumps all the pieces on your workspace but you can ask to only see the edge pieces.  That is normally what I would with a physical puzzle. Once the edge is done then the rest of the pieces are shown.  I organize the pieces by color and start assembling shapes.  You can look at the image any time just like looking a the top of the box.  I have been doing 250 piece ones with the classic cut pieces.  Love it.

I decided to choose a few places along my walking route to plant a few flower seeds.   I think I have selected places that are pretty well lit.  Some of the seeds are very old so I don`t even know if they will grow.  They were predicting rain for today so I did that yesterday morning on my walk. Of course, if they grow I will have to take my chances that I can actually pick a few as other may think they are nice too.  I`m putting it out there to see what happens.

The rain came.  It was predicted that we would have big winds but it did not happen.  It started after supper yesterday, rained all night and it is still raining.  A nice steady rain which will soak things nicely without having flooding and washing away of dirt.

I expect that nature will respond wonderfully to this much needed moisture.  By the end of the week things will be green and wonderful.
I will keep an eye on my flowers.

The challenge at Flickr Macro Monday was kitchen but no food was allowed.   This is one of the shots I prepared for the challenge. 

You can check my SMDPics photo stream to which shot I submitted.

I am sharing with Angie who hosts Mosaic Monday #78 


Mersad who hosts Through My Lens #239  

I had a funky down week into my 8th week with Sheltering in Place.  I am feeling better. Have a great week!


  1. Hello, Sylvia! How nice to see you at the Gypsy. It looks like spring is coming to your world and well. I got some seeds started this weekend and hope soon they'll be ready for the ground. I put a few in the ground too, and we'll see about those. It is beginning to green up here a bit and that's a welcome sign. Your blooms are so pretty!

    Thanks for the info on the puzzle site. I've been thinking about puzzles a lot lately -- all of ours are at the lake house and we won't be there for some time. I've thought about ordering one but maybe I'll try these first!

  2. Sylvia - I will have to go take a closer look at our larch trees - I have never noticed the pink part of the pine needles that you show in your picture!

    It is raining here right now, and I am so happy. We need the moisture!

    I love the idea of virtual puzzles - I will have to give it a try!

    Thanks for planning to link to Mosaic Monday - did you run into linking problems?

    By the way, I used the February little bird for a Mother's Day card - I will send you a picture on email! Stay well, my friend!

  3. Your photos are really great to see! The tree bloom is just gorgeous!

    Feel free to share at My Corner of the World

  4. I love the first photo. So exotic. Thanks for your blog visit!


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