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Monday, June 22, 2020

Sylvia's Simple Shots

There was roasted hot dogs which I requested on a social distance outside visit to my sister's place.  The hot dogs were great! Thanks so much.

I don't have a place for a fire outside so I can't make them at my place.

Ice cream cake is always in order that this time of year!  There were leftovers that I brought home and having one serving per day!

I got a sunburn during my outside visit.  Then Sunday I got bitten alive by mosquitoes on my long walk at the wetlands.  My ears, face, neck and hands were exposed so they got the worse of it.

The skeeters must know that as a photographer I am going to hold my hands still and not wave them around so they took advantage.

I have to say I have sore parts and large welts so my day has been uncomfortable.

Up at 5:00 am and at the Lois Hole Provincial Park before 6:00 am I did see several new birds for me.

The Common Yellow Throat Warbler which sang beautifully then the Sora Rail just walking on the reeds in the water.  It moved very fast though!  Many Cedar Waxwings making some noise.  It was wonderful.

I had a really hard time with Flickr Macro Monday challenge this week - Unusual Pattern.  To me that suggested not a regular or common pattern.  What could that be?  I had glass tiles where it distorted the designer behind so I tried quite a few scrapbook papers. This one has music paper behind but I did not find the X showed up much.

This was a colorful tile behind a textured glass cutting board.  I was getting closer! Check out my SMDPics photo stream to see the shot I submitted.

I am sharing with Angie who hosts Mosaic Monday #85 and Mersad who hosts Through my Lens #245


  1. Very cool macros. I would not have guessed at all what they are. The X-shape (if I'm looking at the same X you are) gives depth to the pattern.
    You are one dedicated photographer to brave mosquitoes in the first place. You must've been seeing some amazing light and shadows on your subjects.

  2. I am itching and scratching in total empathy as a fellow-person whom mosquito love. Oh ouch. Hope you are all recovered by now. But all the rest of your post was great. The pattern ...the birds ... the food! And best of all that you got to visit .

  3. Sylvia - I agree with you - the only real way to eat a hot dog is from the grill - boiled, not so much! I had a run-in with some mosquitoes a week ago while working in the garden. They don't usually welt up on me, but they did this time. Montana doesn't have Lyme disease on this side of the Rockies, but there will be a first time, so it pays to watch the bites for signs of that. Yuck. Love your bird photos! Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

  4. Wonderful shots of the birds but ouch. Mosquitos are awful around here as well.
    Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade

  5. Hi Sylvia, I thought I had commented on this post before..,either I dreamed it or it got lost in space, The hot dog roast looks so good.... we dont do any outdoor grilling either. And I guess we’ll miss the July cookout at our kids .., we’re still not really seeing people that much. Overly cautious probably. I liked your Fathers Day cards in the earlier post.


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