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Monday, June 29, 2020

Sylvia's Simple Shots

I took a trip to the Heritage Hills Wetlands this week.   I found this beautiful House Finch.  It was singing it heart out. Love the red head.

I walked all the pathways this visit.  I was out for just about 3 hours.  The mosquitoes were not too bad.

I finished this book - The Hundred Secret Senses by Amy Tam this week.  It is an interesting read.  With time where I did not know which person was speaking.  The time frames were different so it had to be another person but it was not clear.  The 1st two thirds were slow but I have to say once the visit to China everything fell into place and the last chapters were great!

I have been working hard to make space in the bedroom for the sewing machine I bought the week the pandemic hit!

Thanks goodness it is being stored at my sister's house.  I have made a few organization changes which are working very well.  The desk will fit in the space at 30" tall, 40" wide and 18" deep.

 I have moved the photo studio that will be in my post next week.

I added some nails under the kitchen cabinets to hold the recipe book stand.  I was storing it in the yellow plastic stand with the books but that was not the best.

I have 3 small bags where I can place stuff going to my family's homes. My sister, my niece and my Mom each have a bag.  This was stored in the bedroom but I have moved them to the storage room.  Wonderful move.

This single White Pelican was feeding on Thursday morning.  I understand they mostly eat small fish.  You can see the dip in his gullet is the fish.

It was great to see him on the second pond because the others were on the far side of pond three.   No usable shots from that distance.

I see that I have a male Mallard Duck in the background.

These are the pink flowers in bloom here. The Wild Rose, Dwarf Milkweed and of course Peonies.

I milk weed has small wonderful flowers.  It has taken me a couple of years of research to happen upon the name.

The Flickr Macro Monday challenge was to pick one from color list (blue, yellow, red or pink) and one from an object list (pen, paper, bottle cap,flower. The photo on the left is one yellow pens.

You can check my photostream SMDPics to see my submission.

Sharing with Angie who hosts Mosaic Monday #86.

Mersad who hosts Through my Lens #246


  1. I'm a paper artist too. In so many ways.

  2. Seems you're making progress with your time at home. I love getting organized but struggle with keeping it up. Lovely bird photos.
    Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade

  3. Sylvia - it is on my list to buy a crafting table that I can put in the space of the dormer window upstairs. It has a fabulous view; I would like it to be "bar height" so that I have good visibility. Fabulous picture of the house finch. We have many around here, and I adore their songs. I tried planting some milkweed this spring but I don't think any of it has come up. It might have been too old. Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday, and enjoy the rest of your week!


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