Monday, September 16, 2019

Recent Photos

I have started attending a quilting group on Monday nights.  I said I would never to this but with Card Club a no go and a stash of fabric leftover from aprons I need something to keep busy.  I have made 3 quilts and my very old rotary cutter is toast.  The blade no longer rotates because the pin is compromised and will soon fall apart.  I bought a new one which I will give a spin tonight.

I am starting on a new quilt tonight. The piece of fabric I have for the back is so nice seems a shame to cut into pieces I will make a strip QAYG one to see if that would be faster. 

I am waiting to hear from the rep for the charity to which I want to donate these quilts.  Maybe email is passe as far as a method of communication so I may have to resort to the telephone.  I sure hope I will have a place to donate them soon.

I finished Moonfleet by John Meade Faulkner this week.  It was first written in the late 1800's and the English is not modern. The images in the book are very old style as well.  When I researched this book a while ago I discovered it was set in Dorset England so I decided to give it a go.  The story is good. A orphan lives with his aunt, befriends an older man from the community who is involved in shady business which gets them both in trouble. The love of money and wealth gets them deeper.  The are exiled and then imprisoned.  Fate does see it fit to returned them to their precious English coast.  The young man reunites with his lady love.

I am working on my 2020 Photo Calendars.  I am working on high key images.  It is a technique where through lighting most of the shadows are eliminated and the background is blown out so only the essentials are captured. 

This is a set of bottles my sister found for me.  I love them.  I have placed a dark dried weed with them and made that the focus.

I think it works pretty well.  What do you think?  Leave me a message.

This photo says that fall is here even though the date has not declared it official yet.

We are having some days of Indian Summer here in Alberta.  Enjoying them to the fullest.

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Angie at Letting Go the Bay Leaf who hosted Mosaic Monday #45 
Mersad who hosts Through My Lens #207


  1. I'm sure there are places that would be happy to take your quilts. The image of the three bottles is very artistic. Yes, autumn is definitely on the move here, too.

  2. I was looking forward to reading about cannoli when I saw your thumbnail at Mosaic Monday. That's okay. I've been thinking about purchasing a rotary cutter, but not sure how much longer I'll want to sew. I like your photo of the bottles. It looks like a painting to me.

  3. Sylvia - what a coincidence - I just bought my first rotary cutter for a craft project (not a quilt). It works like a charm! The high key technique is very stylized, and I like it. I do find that the green circles on the mouths of the bottles steal some of the focus from the weed; I think I would prefer the image if the green was less obvious. We are also enjoying some fine fall days while we can. Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

  4. I like the high key image - it is quite subtle with a good focus on the coloured part. I did a search of high key still life images and I you have very effectively captured the sense of the technique. It captures the essence of the focal element which is the point. Good on you!!


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