My niece came up this week so we can take a trip to visit Mom in hospital.
My main nativity set is a White Matte Bisque Porcelain one by Avon. I have a large stable to house them but of course all that is packed. She is always on the look out for additional pieces so she brought this 2nd Wiseman to me and the Angel Gabriel.
Unfortunately, the did not come with their boxes so I will have to design a storage solution.
I am still missing another wiseman, animals of every kind, and shepherds.
My sister called over the holidays as she had found some pieces but she thought they were Mary and Joseph so we let those go.
Another gift from my niece. She bought a couple of these a long while ago when I was anticipating moving into a new place. That did not happen and since I have gotten rid of the sofa (which I miss a lot!) she brought one of the chairs up.
Beautiful mid century lounge chair in a great yellow color. It is vinyl upholstery in superb condition. Dark wood frame in excellent shape. Comfortable.
It offers me a change from my glider chair so I am grateful she had room to bring it with her.

I finished this book - Katheryn's Secret by Linda Hall. The story is set in Maine about a family cottage willed by Katheryn to her niece Sharon.
Sharon is a writer facing a book deadline and taking time to visit Maine and the cottage is more important. Right? She takes a couple of weeks with her teenage daughter tagging along. Her husband will join them a bit later.
Her aunt Katheryn Sullivan had not married and lived in this cottage with her sisters for many years. She was eccentric, a dreamer, romantic and a storyteller. Sharon finds a mysterious disappearance of a child and through the search for her resting place uncovers deep secrets.
She finds folks who knew and did not tell but fortunately she was able to uncover the family history and bring closure to the events.
I made a visit to the local ReUse Center as well. I am working another version of essential oil diffusers/tree scent ornaments which features sewing thread spools.
I was hoping to use wooden ones but only found a few. Of course, the plastic ones are everywhere. I will have to see whether I can achieve a look I am happy with using the plastic ones.
There were bits of velvet which should work wonderfully. Some colorful yarn and some wool skeins.
I will post when I have made a version I am happy with.
Another book completed - Iris and Ruby by Rosie Thomas. This is my second book by this author and it was wonderful story based in Cairo Egypt this time. The other was the Kashmir Shawl.
Her granddaughter Ruby from England appears on Iris's doorstep unannounced. She has run away and needs a place to stay. Can she?
Her quiet household with the houseman Mamdooh and Auntie the house keeper is disrupted by this young person and the friends she is making in the area.
The novel moves between the years Iris was a young woman living in Cairo during the Second World War and her now at 82 years of age still living in Cairo but starting to lose her memories. Ruby wants to help her grandmother preserve her beloved history so they start to set time aside to reminisce and capture the past.
It is a wonderful story which reunites 3 generations of women and helps Iris, Lesley her estranged daughter and Ruby the willful granddaughter see each other's point of view and life history.